7900 N. MIlwaukee Ave.
Niles IL 60714
OmDent was established in May of 2004 by Dr. KrystynaWagenhejm. Since the very beginning we have beenfocused on providing affordable but high quality dentalcare. By utilizing the most advanced technology availablein dentistry our services are more effective and lessinvasive. We were one of the first dental clinics in theChicago area to implement digital radiography, BIOLASElaser and CEREC CAD/CAM equipment. Over the lastdecade we have helped to maintain, improve or createa beautiful smile to thousands of patients. We are verygrateful for all those years of loyalty, trust and support.We hope to continue our service for decades to come.We will continue our hard work to meet or even exceedyour expectations in reference to your dental care- that's our promise.