348 Lakeshore Rd East , Ste # 202, Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5G1H5
(905) 271-4183
ACA IMMIGRATION INC - your partner in immigration provides a wide range of immigration services to the prospective immigrants and their families in Canada. The services include recruitment, selection and processing of immigrants to Canada who are applying in various categories. Established in Mississauga in 1990 and incorporated in June 2005 the firm has established and maintained respected reputation with the represented clients from all around the world.
If you are interested in immigrating to Canada, you have a lot of options. Browse through my site to get familiar with the different programs. Please contact me once you have decided on the program that suites you and your family best or just send your question and/or resume for our quick assessment.
Coming to Canada as an immigrant is an exciting opportunity, but also a great challenge. First step is to make sure your application is prepared to the best of your ability and meets the requirements of the applicable immigration category. Canada welcomes more than 400,000 new residents each year. Be one of them!
Adwokat Joel Gould
5839 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago IL 60634
Adwokat Joel Gould posiada ponad 30 lat doświadczenia w reprezentowaniu klientów przed sądami na terenie metropolii chicagowskiej oraz sąsiednich powiatów.
W biurze Adwokata Joela Goulda mówimy również po polsku. W ciągu 35 lat Adwokat Joel Gould reprezentował tysiace polskich klientów w Chicago i stanie Illinois.Mówimy po Polsku
Jazda w stanie nietrzeźwym - DUI
Sprawy kryminalne
Zawieszone prawo jazdy
Mandaty drogowe i CDL
Wypadki samochodowe
Przesluchania w Sekretarza Stanu
Poważne wypadki w pracy
Wypadki na budowie
Wypadki samochodowe
Wypadki śmiertelne
Poślizgnięcia i upadki
Błędy w sztuce lekarskiej
Ugryzienie przez psa
Zaniedbana w nursing home
AKB – Anwaltskanzlei Berlinski – Steinlestraße 4, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
6417 W.63rd St, Ste 200, Chicago, IL. 60638
The Law Office of Andrew Ligas is your partner. I have assisted thousands of individuals and families for over 20 years. I work with clients every step of the process. My goal is to evaluate your case to reach the optimal outcome for you and your family.
Dr. Jan Badkowski *
Joanna Kröll
Porzellanhofstrasse 12
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Postfach 10 33 62
60103 Frankfurt am Main
636 S. River Rood Suite 100-G, Des Plaines, IL. 60016
Artur is the founding and managing member at Zadrozny Law Firm LLC where he represents individuals and businesses in real estate matters. He also assists individuals in business transactions, especially in business formations and contract negotiations. He speaks Polish fluently and frequently provides bilingual legal services to the Polish speaking community, which includes his time as a pro-bono attorney at the Amicus Polonaie Legal Clinic.
776A Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 11222
(718) 349-3434
B. Tomasz Maj has been practicing predominantly in the field of US immigration and nationality laws for almost two decades. Member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association since 1997. Studied law at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland (Master's Degree in Law awarded in 1986), and later at the New York Law School in New York City with a short detour to the field of international relations and economics while at The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Bologna, Italy. Member of New York Bar since 1995.
Toronto, ON, Canada
(647) 667-1068
Balinski Marek
Toronto, ON, Canada
(647) 667-1068
Brustin A. Marvin - Brustin And Lundblad, Ltd.
10 N. Dearborn St. 7th Floor
Chicago IL 60603
Brustin & Lundblad, Ltd. proudly represents clients in Chicago, Illinois, and throughout Cook County. Our firm also represents the victims of negligence in other states throughout the country.
123 W. Madison St. Suite 400, Chicago, IL, USA, 60602
(312) 621-0088
Chepov & Scott, LLC was founded by managing partners George A. Chepov and Daniel P. Scott to provide legal services to the diverse communities of the greater Chicagoland area.
Chepov & Scott, LLC has a multilingual staff able to provide services to clients in their native languages, including Spanish, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian.
With over 35 legal staff members and 7 attorneys, we handle the case from the beginning through the litigation process.
Cherskov Flaynik & Gurda, LLC - Patent Lawyers
123 W. Madison St. Suite 400
Chicago IL 60602
Cherskov Flaynik & Gurda, LLC
provides the experience necessary to embrace the large variety of intellectual property matters of its industrial and commercial clients.
Chicago Legal Solutions, LLP - Michal Fus, Esq.
110 Higgins Rd
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Siedziba główna w Chicago Suburbs, Chicago Legal Solutions LLP. reprezentuje klientów w ich potrzebach prawnych. Dajemy duże doświadczenie i profesjonalizm w każdej sprawie i dostosowujemy nasze wsparcie do twoich indywidualnych potrzeb i obaw. Zajmujemy się różnymi sprawami, w tym skomplikowanymi sporami biznesowymi, negocjacjami umów i umów, bankructwem, kwestiami transportowymi, transakcjami dotyczącymi nieruchomości i innymi.
Nasi prawnicy mają ponad 15-letnie doświadczenie prawne i są gotowi do skorzystania z tego. Jesteśmy bardzo komunikatywni i gotowi do pomocy
Skontaktuj się z nami, aby skonfigurować DARMOWĄ konsultację lub skorzystaj z formularza kontaktowego na dole tej strony, aby dowiedzieć się, czy nasze usługi są dla Ciebie odpowiednie.
120 Carlton St. Suite 206 , Toronto, ON, Canada, M5A 4K2
(416) 545-1777
Jeśli jesteś już w Kanadzie i chcesz pozostać na stałe,
czekasz w USA lub w Europie albo starasz się prosto z Polski
Wykorzystujemy optymalnie wszelkie dostępne programy rządu kanadyjskiego: federalne, prowincjonalne, biznesowe, humanitarne i łączenia rodzin (sprawy małżeńskie, sprowadzanie rodziców i dzieci)
2345 Stanfield Rd Suite 200, Mississauga, ON, Canada, L4Y 3Y3
(289) 232-6166
Monika Curyk is a lawyer focusing almost exclusively on family law. She is committed to helping her clients negotiate fair settlements or assert their rights through court litigation. When in her client’s best interests, she offers family mediation services to help them find their own way through the maze of legal, emotional and financial issues related to separation and divorce. While she strongly believes that it is best for separating spouses and their children, to avoid escalating the conflict and to amicably settle their differences, she also realizes that it is not always possible.
120 Carlton St. Ste 410 , Toronto, ON, Canada, M5A 4K2
(416) 599-5799
POLSKI ADWOKAT w Toronto z wieloletnim doswiadczeniem. Szybka, skuteczna pomoc w sprawach spornych,
(szczegolnie w sprawach spadkowych).